Ethiopia denies guerilla war fears, UN team shot at in Tigray


Ethiopia denies allegations of possible rising guerilla war fears. The northern forces troops are likely to initiate the war due to the fights lasting a month now. Moreover, the UN team was short as it was accessing the refugee camps. The Monday incident has stirred up worry and uncertainty towards a possible feud. Mekelle, the regional capital, is currently under the Federal troops’ governance. Consequently, the war had to come to an end. But that is not the case for the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF).

TPLF Retaliates

Following the seize of Mekelle, TPLF is not happy.  They are actually taking the fight in various areas around Mekelle. The northern troops guarding the capital were heavily armed to counter any form of attack from the TPLF. According to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the battle-hardened troops apparently were misinterpreted. Hence, the rising fear of a surging war in the mountains of Tigray.

Nonetheless, the troops have managed to counter any attacks imposed by the TPLF in the region.  The prime minister confirms that the criminals are defeated and in total disarray. Hence any attempts that might bring out war in the region were suppressed. TPLF has yet to state the same.

UN team shot

Humanitarian workers, as well as media personalities, still struggle to gain access to the camps. Hence any efforts to get a side of the story from the other side are futile. On Sunday, a UN aid team was met with gunshots after trying to access Shimelba Refugee camp. Shimelba is one of the four refugee camps for Eritreans in the Tigray region.

More details are yet to be disclosed due to the unclear circumstances. However, both governments are yet to issue a statement concerning the matter. Stephane Dujarric, a UN spokesman in New York, retaliated from commenting on the issue, although they were made aware.

Aid urgently needed

The month-old conflicts between these two states have stirred up a lot of damage to its people. Nearly 50 000 refugees have fled to Sudan. TPLF rockets have hit Eritrean grounds. Ethnic wrangles have as well risen. Moreover, Tigrayans combating the al-Qaeda –linked militants in Somalia have been disarmed. There is a possible food crisis in the Tigray camps.

This is after a report from the UN pleading for access to get to the people. It has been a month now since food was accessed to the camps. The UN also confirms that a total of more than 600,000 out of the 5 million campers rely on aid food.

UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres discussed this with Abiy and other regional leaders on Monday. Hopefully, the rising humanitarian needs in Tigray camps will be sorted out. Antonio seeks restoration of the rule of law. Further, he calls for full respect of human rights and a guarantee to access the Camps to address people’s needs.

The government assures the Tigrayans, and refugees’ welfare will be the top prize upon peace restoration. However, diplomats, residents, and the TPLF worry that might not be the case. The conflicts persist. In fact, on Friday, there reports of protests and looting in Mekelle.



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