Egyptian League bans about 6000 supporters for abuse.


The Egyptian Football Premier League (EPL) announced on Sunday that 3,000 Al-Ahly fans will be banished for two games for hurling “insults” at Zamalek and Egypt’s Shikabala during the team’s previous match against Pharco.

Despite the fact that Al-Ahly was not scheduled to play Zamalek on Friday, 3,000 of their fans showed up to vent their anger at Zamalek player Shikabala in an ongoing slander war.

In addition, Al-Ahly was fined 20,000 Egyptian Pounds for the incident.

On Friday, the Egyptian Premier League banished 2,022 Ismaili supporters and 874 Ittihad supporters for abusive chanting during their respective teams’ games against ENPPI and Smouha.

In a statement issued on Sunday, the Egyptian Premier League warned that repeat offenders will be barred from attending league games until the end of the season.

After the 2012 incident at Port Said Stadium, in which over 70 Al-Ahly supporters were killed and hundreds were injured, Egypt capped the number of spectators at 6,000 for all domestic soccer matches, allocating 3,000 to each club.

The only exceptions are games involving the national team or those organized by the African Football Association (CAF).

The country’s ticketing system requires fans to provide identification, making it simpler for officials to track them down and, if necessary, suspend them from attending games.

“The ultimate objective of the league is to fill stadiums to capacity, and we have gone to great lengths to make this a reality. We would detest if anything derailed these intentions.” Ahmed Diab, according to EPL president.

He stated that the penalty is not given to everyone, but rather to those who commit misconduct or violate the rules.


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