Drought and Famine Crisis In Burkina Faso


Drought is a prolonged time of little rain resulting in the shortage of water whereas famine is the scarcity of food. Desertification is the process in which fertile land becomes a desert due to drought. There are many causes and effects of drought and famine in Africa. For example, cutting trees, which attract rainfall, may cause a lack of rains and hence drought encroachment. Bad farming methods may cause land infertility that leads to poor crop production hence the scarcity of food.

Amid the coronavirus, some regions are still experiencing drought and famine, which have affected Africa for decades.


Drought And Famine In Africa

Africa, home to a billion people, is still in a battle to eradicate drought and famine crisis. Millions of people are moving to fertile areas to settle whereas many more people are finding it difficult to put food on the table. Farmers who depend on agriculture are finding it a challenge to cope with the situation. In turn, poverty crawls in their homes adding up to the already poor people in the African continent.

The United Nations and governments of African states are trying to create solutions to the crisis. They are trying to replant vegetation in the area to prevent soil erosion and improve soil fertility. Officials are advising farmers on proper methods of farming. In most country’s budgets, the national treasury allocates some money for aid programs. At least, thousands of people get to feed every year due to programs.

Famine In Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso, a West African country and home to over 19 million people, is struggling with famine and drought problems amid the pandemic. Fertile land is now infertile and dry due to a lack of water. Reports from the residents around say that the area has served them well for years until the drought crisis befell them. The country seems to be undergoing its dry period that runs from around March until June and causes shortages of water and a poor supply of electricity. However, the government has built a dam to help mitigate the effects of the drought.

Drought Affects Residents Of Burkina Faso

Julienne Rouamba, one of the residents suffering from the drought, told how the situation in her area is. She has worked on the land for over 20 years and now as a farmer, all she does is gather stones under harsh conditions. Just like other families, she is sifting and grading the pebbles to sell to the passing by traders. This trading activity, which many decided to switch to, is earning these family’s little money for survival.

Desertification And Food Insecurity In Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is one of the poorest nations in the Sahel region, is not immune to the effects of war in that region. People seem to move from the northern parts to the country due to violence, bring about land degradation. According to aid groups, this situation has left millions of people to go hungry, over 800000 have no homes. I believe that African leaders should come up with better ideas on how to eradicate drought and famine in Africa once and for all.



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