David Murathe Gives a Leakage of Raila Meeting with Peter Kenneth


Raila Odinga, the ODM party leader, met with the former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth on August 2nd alongside other leaders. Present in the meeting was Senator James Orengo, Jubilee party Vice-Chair David Murathe, COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli, and Igembe North MP Maoka Maore.

The meeting brought about mixed reactions from Kenyans on Twitter, with many describing the meeting as the future government in the two years away elections. No doubt it was a discussion about the government that will succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta in the 2022 elections.

David Murathe talks about the Sunday Meeting with Raila.


Giving a hint about the meeting, David Murathe was a bit shy about the details. But reveals that the 2022 succession was a more significant part of their discussion in the meeting.

“We had a cup of tea with Baba. Politicians also sometimes just meet to have a cup of tea and to check on Baba who returned to the country and people were saying that his back problem had recurred and that he could not stand.”

“When politicians meet at this time, the coming elections is always part if the discussion, so it is no surprise that was part of discussion. I do not see any problem with that,”

Murathe said.

In the times we are in, despite coronavirus tempering with a lot of economic activities of the country, politics has never been affected whichever way. Government officials meet, conduct meetings, and arrange for talks as if things were just normal. And for that reason, the planned meeting of Raila and Peter Kenneth must be partly about what Kenyans await for in the next coming general elections.

Orengo could be ODM’s presidential candidate?

Before the planned meeting, Gatundu South Member of Parliament, Moses Kuria, leaked that Raila Odinga plans to name James Orengo as the flag bearer for the presidential candidate for ODM.

“Congratulations James Bond for winning the ODM Consensus as the Presidential Candidate 2022”

Said the MP in this Facebook post.

According to Murathe, he says that it is spreading propaganda that Orengo is the ODM’s presidential candidate, stating that the claims are spreading by people who have no idea about the meeting.

NASA Statement

The big party umbrella, National Super Alliance (NASA), in a statement, said that the meeting was about a matter of national significance. And to an extension of looking into matters of the country’s politics that is coming in the next two years.

The statement remarks that the ODM party leader and the other important leaders had a small get together during which they talked and exchanged views of the national importance.




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