Coronavirus Affects The Tourism Sector in Morocco


The emergence of coronavirus in the world caused many countries to close their borders to control the spread of the virus. The closure of borders affected the tourism sector in several countries because authorities did not allow any entry or exit of a person. However, some countries relaxed its measures trying to bring normalcy in the country and reduce tension.

Namibia and Kenya are examples of countries that have reopened their borders and have resumed international flights. The big issue is that both countries are trying to revive tourism. Both countries have also employed the strategy of promoting domestic tourism first as international tourism recovers slowly. The countries have also reduced the prices of travel packages to encourage more local people to explore the countries.

In Morocco, Marrakesh, the coronavirus disease has crippled the tourism industry.

Tourism in Morocco

Tourism is the main sector for the city in the state. The government of Morocco has well-developed the country’s tourism. The tourism industry concentrates on Morocco’s coast, history, and culture. The political stability in the country is one of the reasons why tourism is at its best. The country’s government established a Ministry of Tourism in the 1980s. 2 years ago, over 12 million foreigners visited the country.

Some of its attraction sites are the Atlas Mountains, sand dunes, the Malabata Coast, and Bou Inania Madrasa in Fes. The Majorelle botanical garden in Marrakesh is a famous tourist attraction site.

Most of the traders in the country have closed down their shops. The shop owners who open their shops rarely sell anything. This situation is similar to the one of Namibia whereby fewer visitors are visiting the shops of store owners.

Mohamed Challah, deals in flowing caftan robes, says his shop sells nothing.

He says:

“Most of the traders have closed their shops. The others are opening to kill time because there is nothing to do at home.”

COVID-19 in Morocco

The authorities in Morocco announced a state of health emergency back in March whereby they also closed down the borders. Later, the government relaxed the coronavirus restrictions. This was in hope for the local tourism to lessen the losses for stores.

The new limitations shut down the borders of Marrakesh and other towns. Reports say that the restrictions have affected Casablanca and Marrakesh the most.

According to the data of the health authorities, Morocco has recorded over 1000 fatalities and over 86,000 cases.

COVID-19 Pandemic and Morocco’s Economy

The pandemic has affected the economy of several countries such as South Africa. There is also an increase in unemployment as companies are laying off workers. According to predictions, the coronavirus pandemic could push the state into an economic slump. There also might be a decline of over 5% in its Gross Domestic Product.

Jalil Idrisi, manages a travel organization, says:

“It will be very difficult to bounce back. We have experienced major crises in the past, but never of this magnitude.”





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