Congo Journalist in Hot Water as Prosecutor Demands Lengthy Jail Time

Congo Journalist in Hot Water as Prosecutor Demands Lengthy Jail
Stanis Bujakera in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, August 2023. © 2023

Congo Journalist in Hot Water as Prosecutor Demands Lengthy Jail Time

In Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a prosecutor has recommended a 20-year prison sentence for journalist Stanis Bujakera, as disclosed by one of his attorneys on Friday. Bujakera, a Congolese journalist working for international media outlets, including Reuters, was arrested on September 8 and charged with disseminating false information regarding the death of a prominent opposition politician. Despite the allegations, Bujakera vehemently denies the charges against him.

Jean-Marie Kabengela, Bujakera’s lawyer, informed the press that the prosecutor is seeking a cumulative penalty of 20 years in prison and a fine of one million Congolese francs ($364). The court is expected to issue a verdict on the case next week, determining the journalist’s fate.

The charges against Bujakera are rooted in an article published by the French news magazine Jeune Afrique, which explored the circumstances surrounding the death of Cherubin Okende, a former transport minister. Okende’s body was discovered in Kinshasa on July 13. Jeune Afrique, standing by its August 31 story, reported that an internal document from the National Intelligence Agency implicated military intelligence agents in Okende’s possible killing. The magazine has affirmed that Bujakera did not author the article, and his name was not associated with it.

Congolese authorities have contested the authenticity of Jeune Afrique’s article, asserting last month that Okende had taken his own life. The disagreement over the cause of Okende’s death has fueled tensions, leading to Bujakera’s arrest and subsequent legal proceedings.

Bujakera’s detention has garnered international attention, with prominent organizations like Reporters Without Borders, Amnesty International, and Reuters condemning the arrest as an assault on press freedom. The plea for Bujakera’s release has reverberated globally, emphasizing the importance of protecting journalists and their right to report without fear of reprisal.

As the court prepares to deliver its verdict, concerns persist regarding the implications of this case for press freedom in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The outcome will undoubtedly shape perceptions of the country’s commitment to safeguarding the essential role of journalism in a democratic society.


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