Combating Bullying in Schools: Stakeholders Outline Strategies for Change

Combating Bullying in Schools: Stakeholders Outline Strategies for Change
What Is Bullying? A Look at Its Psychological Impact

Combating Bullying in Schools: Stakeholders Outline Strategies for Change

The recent viral video depicting a bullying incident at Lead British International School, Abuja, where another student repeatedly hit Maryam Hassan, has once again brought attention to the pervasive issue of bullying in schools. While bullying is not a new phenomenon, its detrimental effects on education and students cannot be understated.

The emotional and psychological toll on victims of bullying is profound and long-lasting, with potential lifelong trauma. In severe cases, victims may even lose their lives, underscoring the gravity of the issue. Moreover, an environment where bullying occurs can never be considered safe for the victim, leading to fear and anxiety among students.

Educationists stress the importance of a multifaceted approach involving collaboration between schools, teachers, parents, and students to combat bullying effectively. Mr. Sunday Fowowe, National President of the Association of Nursery and Primary Education Instructors in Nigeria, emphasizes the need for comprehensive anti-bullying policies and programs in schools. Such initiatives should promote student empathy, respect, and understanding while fostering open communication channels.

Additionally, schools should enforce strict disciplinary actions for those engaging in bullying while providing support systems for both victims and perpetrators. Offenders should receive counseling and rehabilitation opportunities to learn from their actions and develop healthier behaviors.

Creating a culture of inclusivity and celebrating diversity can also contribute to a safer and more supportive environment for all students. It is crucial to address instances of bullying promptly and appropriately, focusing on rehabilitation rather than solely punitive measures.

Mr. Olaniyi Jemisoye, Vice Principal at Grimes International College, emphasizes the seriousness of bullying and the need for continuous awareness efforts. He advocates for collaborative efforts between school management and parents to eradicate bullying, including educating students about the consequences of such behavior and encouraging them to speak up.

Prof. Babajide Abidogun, National President of the Early Childhood Association of Nigeria, underscores the collective responsibility of stakeholders in combating bullying. He emphasizes the role of teachers, school administrators, and parents in monitoring and guiding children’s behavior in school and at home. Abidogun calls for reconsidering punitive measures and stresses the importance of creating a non-violent environment conducive to learning.

In conclusion, eradicating bullying requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders, including schools, teachers, parents, and policymakers. Schools can create safer environments where all students can thrive by implementing comprehensive anti-bullying strategies and promoting a culture of empathy and respect.


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