Celebrating Africa at the 23rd Annual CEANA Convention


This past Saturday, September 3rd, the 23rd Annual CEANA convention took place at the Sheraton Parsippany Hotel in New Jersey, hosted by the EWE ALLIANCE OF USA INC.  “CEANA” stands for the Council of Ewe Associations of North America, and is a non-profit, non-political, benevolent, and socio-cultural organization of all Ewes. It featured Ben Kofie as the dynamic, international master of ceremony.

The Ewe people (pronounced “ev-ay”) are a unique group of native Africans that live in the Ghanian area of “Togo.” Ewes are well-known in Ghana for their ancestor worship, unique language, and expert weaving skills (the “Kente cloth” is a textile unique to the Ewe people). Additionally, Ewe people find great significance in naming their children. CEANA also extends its focus beyond Ghana, to areas such as Benin, Togo and the Southern part of Nigeria. The opening ceremony featured the singing of each country’s national anthem, as well as those of Canada and the United States.

Some notable attendees at this event included two Supreme Court Justices: Justice Jones Mawutor Dotse (who was a keynote speaker), and Justice Gbadegbe.

I attended this event to experience the authentic culture of a people that I would otherwise never have had the opportunity to interact with. The Ewe people definitely have a uniquely attractive culture, as is evidenced by the clothing, accessories, and ceremonial elements I was able to photograph.

Featured Image via George Fakes


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