Best marketing strategies for small business owners in Kenya


Most small business owners work with small budgets. To make it work more efficiently, they need to emphasize strategies that can go with their budget. This article highlights the best marketing strategies for small business owners in Kenya.

Facebook ads

Millions of businesses advertise their brands on Facebook. Facebook allows you to advertise your product while minimizing marketing costs. You get access to a larger audience through Facebook. Because of this, it is mostly recommended for small businesses.

Facebook adds are one of the most cost-effective strategies you can ever think of. With just a few hours a week. you can get remarkable results. It is convenient especially if you have a strict budget for your business.

This marketing strategy allows you to target your audience using their location, their age, how they behave online among several other factors including their gender.

The Facebook advertising strategy is quite easy to manage because all you need is a Facebook page for your business and you can get started.

Engaging your target audience through social media is, the best strategy you can ever think of. This is because you can use different social media platforms to reach out to specific audiences on these platforms.

You need to choose which social media channels you want to spend time on. This is because it will help you know which platforms are best in engaging your target audience.
Making choice about social media channels also helps you figure out which platform your target audience uses most.

You need to have a content calendar after choosing the social media channel you will use. This is because it will help you keep track of what content was posted and in which channel.

Email marketing

Email marketing is one of the best marketing strategies small business owners can work with. This is because email marketing allows you to nurture leads after customers have visited your site.

This is important because not all customers are going to make a purchase the first day they visit your site. For this reason, it is important to keep in touch with customers who visit your site.

Before designing email marketing campaigns, you need to capture your customers’ contacts.

Search engine optimization

SEO is one of the most important marketing strategies for small businesses. This is because most customers searching for brands to purchase using their mobile phones to find nearby locations. Optimizing your site enables your business to appear in local search results.

It is also important to keep your site mobile responsive. This is because it allows your site to be easily accessible through a mobile device. SEO is considered one of the best business marketing strategies for small business owners in Kenya.

Content marketing

The key to designing a great content market is knowing what your customers need. Because of this, you should always check for your customers’ reviews about your brand. This allows you to modify your content based on your customers’ concerns.

It allows you to know your customers’ greatest challenges, desires, and concerns. Content marketing is also beneficial in building trust with your customers and promote a positive image for your brand.

Content marketing promises your small business higher returns. This is because you are still able to continue sharing your content even after the original piece is published.






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