Awesome Nigeria Destinations to Add To Your Travel List


Nigeria has all these wonderful gems hidden in it. Most of you know of South Africa and Kenya as tourist destinations. Here is a new taste in the Sahara region. Nigeria houses some of the most beautiful sceneries and destinations you ought to see and explore. For your vacation needs, this time, opt for Nigeria. Most of you millennials are madly in love with travel and adventure. These Nigeria destinations come with a guarantee of experience and a lot of fun. Here are the top five suggestions for you to consider while at it

Adamawa State

You most probably have heard a lot about Adamawa. The mountains are a result of volcanic eruptions. The state positions itself in the Northeastern region of Nigeria. It hosts the Mandara mountains, which border Cameroon. Here is the fun part; the short-grass of the savannah is the carpet of this state. Benue River drains westward with Gongola, Taraba, and Pai rivers as its tributaries.

It will richly serve you with its culture and traditions that will leave you elongating your stay. The world Sukur Cultural Landscape is in the State. Here is a spoiler alert, Sukur has a palace in it! The rest awaits for you to explore. Activities like mountain climbing are much available for your ventures to break the monotony in case. Moreover, Adamawa comes with a hot spring, the Lamurde hot spring. There is much for you to see other than the mountains and doing mountain climbing.


Here is a honeymoon destination for you. And it is actually a castle! A real castle in the real world on the African continent! Kaduna houses this Kajuru Castle that makes its goals. Moreover, this castle has been modernized. There is a stainless swimming pool, barbecue, sauna, and well-furnished rooms.

Kaduna is also blessed with forests and beautiful landscapes, which will leave you in awe. Apart from the castle, the state houses some of the best hotels as well in Nigeria. Luxury is well served. This makes Kaduna a travel destination to experience.

Oyo state

Despite being ancient, the state has some attractive sites to quench your adventure thirst. It houses Iyake lake. This lake is actually suspended. It is bottomless! It adds to the 7 wonders of Nigeria. Villagers believe that the lake is a pothole to another world. That is why people get lost in the lake. Apart from the lake, there are sites to visit, like the elephant tree and the Ishage rock. The structure of the stone is a wonder to behold. You will actually have to see it to believe yourself.


Bauchi is the home of wildlife in Nigeria. If you are a wildlife fanatic, Bauchi is more than happy to host you. In the company of baboons, hippos, baby elephants at the Yankari Games Reserve, your stay is fully served with adventure. I won’t forget to mention the Marshall caves and Wikki warm springs to spice up the adventure.


Do you want to get to the highest point in Africa? If yes, then Taraba should be your next destination. The Mambilla plateau in Taraba state offers quite a view from its point. Apart from the plateau, Taraba has a beautiful Topography that ensures that you receive that beautiful landscape view. Surprisingly, the region is free of insects.

Nike Art Gallery

If you are a lover of art, especially African art, Nigeria provides this hub for you. Right in the country’s capital city, Abuja. Its structure is such that it displays a level of Africanism since ancient times. The interior comes with a range of art representing the Nigerian African culture. The Nike art presents to you a gallery that aims to quench your thirst for African art.

Zuma rock

The Zuma rock in Niger state accounts as a wonder to the people of Nigeria. Here is a little advice, visit Niger state around April and October. Why? Because you wouldn’t want to miss the Zuma rock on fire on a rainy season. Quite an interesting scenario, right? Well, make your April or October plans and experience this thrilling venture.

Osun Osogbo Grove

The Osun Osogbo Grove geographically positions itself in Osun state in Nigeria. It is known for its vast forest that greatly displays the Yoruba culture. The Yoruba people occupy this area vastly. Moreover, the forest is known to host several medicinal herbs. Furthermore, Its people are cautious about the grove and are a sacred place. The woodland is also considered to be a goddess of fertility.

Ibeno beach

Ibeno beach serves as the Longest sand beach in West Africa. It locates itself along the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Ibeno beach serves you with the most peaceful and safest environment to enjoy your vacay. It is designed to offer an exquisite amount of luxury that comes with the class. Most of your summers should be well spent along the sandy beaches of the Ibeno beach.

Ngwo Pine Forest

With trees as old as 50 years old, the Ngwo Pine Forest offers you ground for a perfect hiking expedition. Nonetheless, the trees provide a romantic gesture perfect for a picnic outing. As you adventure, the forest hosts a limestone cave that spices up your adventure expedition.

Nigeria hosts these beautiful sceneries that are yet to be tapped. Apart from beauty, there is luxury. Both in the city and the wild. If not all, at least four of these destinations should sweep you off your feet!



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