Current World Updates On The Coronavirus and Australia Plan
The coronavirus has taken the world by surprise. Several international organizations are running test trials on the COVID19 vaccine. The World Health Organization urges countries around the globe to be extra keen. They are to impose and follow restrictive measures to contain the spread. Australia plans $80 million amid the high global cases.
Currently, the infection cases are over 700000 and the death toll is at 34018. In China, where the disease started from records 31 recent cases of coronavirus. The rate of infections in the country was reducing, but the fresh cases on record say otherwise about the health state.
The Case Of granivorous In Italy.
Italy records thousands of deaths of patients with the virus. Coronavirus seems to have gotten ahold of the country much more than other countries around the globe. Giuseppe Conte, the PM of Italy, says that Europe is doing little to help Italy out of the situation.
Sweden And COVID-19.
This is the country that is taking a unique approach to controlling the coronavirus. Other countries close their borders, schools, cafes, hotels and ban social gatherings. In Sweden, the situation is exceptional. The country is operating normally; it has not closed its borders, schools or even banning public gatherings.
United Kingdom Updates On Coronavirus.
Dominic Cummings, UK’s PM Boris adviser, has symptoms of the virus and is now under quarantine. Reports say that he developed the symptoms over the weekend. Reports also show that the country might go on lockdown for about half a year.
Thailand Reports New Cases.
In Thailand, reports show that it has 136 recent cases and 2 deaths. This brings the country’s infection cases to 1524 and the death toll to 9 people.
Situation In Australia.
The Prime Minister says the government $80b in the next couple of months to protect its jobs. The PM also says that payment shall be up to $925 per every 2 weeks and the government shall pay employers to pay employees. As of today, 284 fresh cases are bringing the total to 4093 COVID-19 cases.
India, Germany and the Coronavirus
Cases in Germany are at 57298 and the death toll reads at 455. In India, about 40000 people are under quarantine. The news show of a priest who died from coronavirus as he had traveled from Germany via the Italian airport. The priest failed to self-isolate despite knowing the virus. India is in lockdown for 21 days as it records 1171 cases and 29 deaths.
In Argentina.
It has a record of 820 cases and 20 deaths. The government says the measures of quarantine might extend until a mid-next month. Quarantine measures restrict the movement of people in exception to those who want to buy groceries and medicine.
State Of Food Security Around The Globe.
Following the tragic outbreak of coronavirus, it could affect the availability of food. This is because the pandemic disrupted the availability of labor.