Arrests in Sudan after Prime Minister Survives Assassination


Sudan Government Authorities

Sudan government authorities have arrested individuals suspected to engage in an assassination attempt by the prime minister. This incident preceded the dissolving of Al Bashir’s government. Hence the country currently is under shared rule by prime minister Abdalla Hamdok and general officials. The current government is attributed to the desire for civilian rule.

According to state media, the attack occurred in Khartoum. The prime minister’s motorcade was attacked by bombs and gunshots. However, he managed to escape unharmed together with 64 other people.

Hamdok’s reaction following the assassination

Due to the encounter, Hamdok twitted that despite the attack he was perfectly in good condition. He emphasized that the attack had triggered and rejuvenated his desire to enhance extra efforts to ensure transition in Sudan.”I assure the Sudanese people that I am well and completely healthy,” the prime minister tweeted.

“What happened will never halt the march for change and will only give an additional boost to the fierce revolutionary wave.” His main objective is to restore peace in the nation especially since Sudan is known for violent attacks and protests since Al Bashir’s rule.

Plea for support to investigate the professionally plotted murder

According to remarks by Sudan’s highest prosecutor, the murder attempt was planned by professionals. Hence investigations have already commenced. Meanwhile, Sudan’s Defence Council and National Security also seek aid from willing friends. As they have the zeal to unveil the culprits. This follows a meeting held on Monday by the Interior Minister. The minister looks forward to delivering justice.

Sudan Loud blast

On the day of the attack, a loud explosion struck near the Prime Ministers’ motorcade. It was around 9 am. At the time of the explosion, the Prime Minister was headed to his office. Due to the explosion, a security officer suffered minor injuries.

A witness identified as Alaa Eldeen Fahmi stated that the explosion resulted in broken glass windows from all four floors. The explosion sent the Prime Minister motorcade racing supersonically in the escape of danger.

The attempt on the prime minister’s life resulted in tension. As residents of Khartoum paraded the streets demonstrating for the safety of Hamdok. They said that Sudan is their homeland hence Hamdok is their leader. They even swore to sacrifice themselves for him.

Future challenges awaiting Hamdok

There is a possibility Hamdok will face numerous challenges during his reign. Especially his desire for change. He gained power by agreeing to a treaty on power-sharing with the generals. Since gaining power Hamdok has tried solving problems related to social and economic issues. Nonetheless, maintaining security and economic growth is amongst all is his major aim. Moreso as the economic reforms are essential for an ordinary Sudanese. This attempt commenced at the time the country is facing political crises. Hence when not controlled may persist and depose the current government. However, the main cause of the unstable state in Sudan is the frequent civil wars.



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