Angola- Africa’s Best Investment Opportunity


The signing of a peace agreement six years ago in Angola has sustained its excellent stability and growth.   Peace is very vital when it comes to the growth and development of a country. Luanda being the capital city of Angola, there are many characteristics that it has great potential when it comes to development. There are constructions of new buildings in some areas within the capital. The provinces surrounding the capital are also not left out. They are expanding the needed infrastructures to connect the country better.

The Kwanza, which the country’s currency has started gaining strength. This has led to an increase in goods and services to take in the country. The new opportunities for investments are a result of economic and political stability. In the year 2007-2008, the GDP was 13.2%, 2006-2007 was at 16.7%, and for the year 2005-2006 was at 19.6%. The article will be giving some of the opportunities you can get in this country.

Forestry, fisheries, and Agriculture in Angola

Angola has, in the past, shown to be dominant in the world in matters of agriculture production. In that connection, it at one point named the fourth largest coffee producer in the world. However, this is not the case now as only 3% of their arable land is cultivatable. This, therefore, is to means that the potential here is quite enormous. That said, it’s good to mention that the success in this sector depends entirely on the outcome of political instability.

Coffee plantation rehabilitation is what the government of Angola is giving a priority. Regarding this, the efforts are underway toward taking up any help or assistance from the World Food Program. The aid has been of great help, and it has seen the country getting seeds for farming together with needed farming tools from the EU. The Ministry of Agriculture, in its efforts, it is in legislation reforming process which will see that the policies will work out with a lot of commitment. This will ensure that the food is enough and guaranteed for the country’s people.

Some of the favorable legislation in the year 2005 are co-operative law, seed and forests, land, agrarian developments. Natural forests in this country are not exploited yet. The plantations of cypress, eucalyptus, and pine, which at some point made is small export industry help in heritage addition on agriculture. Currently, there are about 150000 hectares of land containing eucalyptus since the production of timber has fallen drastically from the year 1975. Some other valuable tree species like mahogany, mulberry, tola, rosewood, ebony has for the longest time, left untouched.

In the coastal region of Angola, it has a very rich shellfish.  There is also an attempt currently going on to modernize as well as rehabilitating the domestic fish industry. The deregulation of fish prices has helped towards the development of this fishing sector. The Angolan government, through World Bank, has already formed an Angolan Support Fund for Fisheries Development.


With tropical climate, rivers, beaches, wildlife, mountains, as well as a cultural attraction, Angola is out for excellent tourist attraction opportunities. However, the development in this sector has not to s There is so much of traditional crafts, aspect of culture like dances, music not forgetting nightlife. There is also a lot in their cuisines. The shellfish, fish, meat with spices. In Angola, the demand for hotel services is more than the supply hence the need for them to come up further to meet started needs. The existing hotels are currently on reconstruction, and there is a lot of opportunities for the new ones that will get constructed.


There is enough room for growth in this sector. There is a lot of potential in hydroelectricity production, which is underway. Therefore, the industry is requesting the government to assist them in the development, and that has seen the government channeling $8.4 billion. The electricity reformation currently going on will see the reduction of investment failure. Investment incentives in this country is equal for both local and foreign investors. It also enables good participation in public infrastructure by a private investor.


The above are just but a few areas of investments; you will also find out that there are many opportunities in Oil, Agribusiness, mineral, Real estate, and financial services.


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