Tim, Africa’s Largest Elephant Dies at 50


Tim, Africa’s largest elephant, dies at 50 years old. The big tusker passed on at the Mada area of the Amboseli National Park. Tim is believed to have succumbed to natural causes according to KWS officials. Its death is a big hit to the park because this tusker portrayed a great sense of awe and splendor. Tim moved peacefully at the foot of the snow-capped Mt Kilimanjaro. As a result, everybody who got to meet him loved his personality. Born in December 1969, Tim died at exactly 50 years of age. He was born by his mother by the name Trista 5 decades ago. His stay at the Amboseli National Park brought so much joy to the rangers fraternity. Tim, Africa’s largest elephant inspired many to preserve the wild through his zest for life.

Tim’s Mischief

The laid back animal had its fair share of mischief. Tim was frequently a target by the locals since he would storm their farms and devour the crops. For instance, in 2016, Save the Elephants, a conservation group took care of him after serious injuries. Tim was seriously pierced with a spear after being caught on a farm by the locals. The spear hurt his ear and penetrated his shoulder. After being sedated and treated from the same, Tim and his gang continued with the norm.

So, conservation groups like Save the Elephants, Big Life, Amboseli Trust for Elephants and KWS came up with an idea. They placed a tracking collar on Tim. This would help to minimize the risks of death. Whenever Tim and the herd stormed the farms, the rangers would instantly be notified. They would then drive them away to avoid the wrath of the farm owners. Tim, Africa’s largest elephant was loved despite his mischief.

The Loss to the Park

The CEO of Wildlife Direct, Dr. Paula Kahumbu termed the death of Tim as a loss to the park. Paula had known Tim for a decade and she always knew him as a benevolent animal. For a fact, he was a “Tusker”. This is a term used to refer to elephants whose tusks are so long that they touch the ground. Such are endangered species because poachers are always after them. Tim was very lucky to live for 50 years since very few manage. Most are killed while young for their expensive ivory. According to KWS communication officer Paul Udoto, Tim was an ambassador of his species. He left behind a legacy that needs to be emulated. The big super tusker left behind offsprings that are believed to portray his traits soon.

Preserving Tim in the Museum

Immediately after his death, Tim’s body was taken to Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. Here, it will be preserved in the National Museums of Kenya. KWS confirmed that the legend’s body will be used for display and education. Tim is surely a source of pride and heritage in the Kenyan wild industry. Tim will long be remembered for his unique personality. He was so down-to-earth. According to KWS, human neighbors would come to touch him when he was peaceful. Tourists also say that they loved Tim because he was always smiling. Elephants possess the trunks that make them seem to smile all the time. Tim, Africa’s largest elephant was friendly to all. He never minded the locals who planned to poach him always.

Final Remarks

The death of Tim, Africa’s largest elephant teaches us the importance of preserving the wild. This great bull got the name from Cynthia Mass, the founder of Amboseli Trust for Elephants. Back then, rangers would name the animals according to the family they came from. Tim was from the “T” family, thus the name.

Elephants have a life-span of 70 years. Therefore, Tim had tried to live. His survival and long life are attributed to the exceptional care by the Wildlife Direct. This shows the importance of preserving wildlife. Africa has splendid wildlife that should always be protected from harm. Tim, Africa’s largest elephant’s legacy lives on even after he is no more.


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