African Migrants Taught to Make Computers in Australia


African migrants from Australia are making a difference in their lives by learning technical skills like making computers. It is at the State Library of Queensland in Australia where they are trained on how to rebuild computers. The program takes into consideration African migrants and refugees by supporting them in reaching their dreams. Siganto Family Foundation and Multicultural Development Australia finance this amazing program that is aimed at digital literacy. Most of the beneficiaries of this initiative are from Kenya, Uganda, DRC Congo, Syria, Thailand, and Rwanda.  African migrants taught to make computers in Australia are impressed by the project.

How computer making is done

At first, assembling a dismantled computer seems a very difficult task. But as the trainees attend more sessions, they become accustomed to rebuilding the computers. This project makes use of old computers which are meant to be scrap to be thrown away for landfill. The trainees carefully study the hardware and operating systems and learn how to fix them.  One of the aims of this project is to train the young migrants to be self-reliant in life. When they have the technical skills, they can easily secure a job they have qualified for. African migrants taught how to make computers in Australia are one step ahead in the job market.

Lessons on internet safety

Similarly, the skills imparted on them help them to fix their machines when a problem arises, they don’t have to rush to a workshop. Therefore, African migrants taught to make computers in Australia are real experts. Though the migrants have nothing much to take home, they can take with them the computers they make. In that case, they are able to showcase their newly attained skill at home. During the training, they are also taught about internet safety or in other words cybersecurity. This way they navigate the internet in order to distinguish the malware that might arise. Hence, they become aware of handling the software on the computers they make.

Using the computers they have made

The successful trainees attest to it that the process is fun and enjoyable. Though everything seems technical at the beginning, they get to learn new things every day. It gets interesting after some practicals that put them on the track. The trainers also allow them to use the computers they have made for studying, applying for jobs, and for fun. Indeed, African migrants taught to make computers in Australia are a lucky lot.

What next for the students after the training

Some of the trainees say that they aspire to get a certification for community service. This is a great idea and a wonderful way of giving back to the community. The Australian initiative plans to spread across Queensland, nationally and in organizations like TAFE. So far, 1000 students have enrolled for the program and once the new plans roll out, the numbers are likely to increase. African migrants taught to make computers in Australia gain both hardware and software skills which are very critical in the digital age.


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