Multi-billion Wedding Industry Crumbles Amid Coronavirus


Nigeria’s multi-billion wedding industry is forced to its knees since the coronavirus pandemic began spreading. Nigeria is known for its flamboyant and extravagant wedding celebrations. The people there love to put every effort into details on wedding ceremonies. From the gowns to the food and the venue of course.

However, with the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be difficult to organize weddings. Since there is a lockdown in the country and across all nations in Africa. This lockdown has disrupted plans for couples who wanted to wed in the first half of the year.

Multi-billion wedding industry suffers losses

Let’s take a look at one of the couples who’s wedding plans have been disrupted by the coronavirus.

Ademola Adedigba proposed to his girlfriend Halima in November last year. It was only a matter of time for them to officially be Mr. and Mrs. after they have their wedding this year in March. They met at a friend’s social event four years ago and the immediately knew they were meant to be. They began dating soon after.

When he was sure he had found the one to spend the rest of his life with, he proposed to Halima. This was two years after the begun dating. They began making wedding plans soon after. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic blew up their plans for the wedding this march.

In the same way as other Nigerians, from the outset, Mr. Adedigba felt unflicked by the episode of the infection. It was first recorded in December in China. In any case, when the file instance of COVID-19 was accounted for in Nigeria, dread started to sneak in. It was not until 10 days to his special day that he acknowledged that his wedding plans were simply heading downhill.

“About 10 days to the wedding date, I started having a feeling that all my efforts were going down the drain. I never saw it coming,” he told PREMIUM TIMES.

Social gatherings banned

After that, the Nigerian government enforced a mandatory lockdown on some of its states. This is in a bid to control the spread of the pandemic. It was also to enforce the rule of social distancing. Additionally, the government banned all social gatherings with many people.

Worldwide, the pandemic has plunged many would-be couples just as the wedding business into an unknown state. With organizers and sellers trying to figure what to do in a circumstance that is so not normal. Deciding whether to cancel or postpone their weddings. Several couples who talked with PREMIUM TIMES said they were confronted with a progression of challenges overwhelming their ultimate choices.

In the grand scheme of things, having your wedding plans disrupted is a harsh reality to come to terms with. Mr. Adedigba not only had his heartbroken but also felt sad for the time and energy he put to planning. Asked what he did afterward, he said a family consensus suggested the wedding be postponed till the end of the pandemic.

Business crumbling

The wedding business in Nigeria is valued at millions of dollars. This is according to TNS Global, a market research group. The cost of a Nigerian wedding can go up to $9,460-$13,515. With lists of guests determining the spending plan as certain weddings in the nation oblige a normal of 500 visitors.

However, with the global infection affecting every nation, many industries have crumbled. It was not until March when NCDC, the Nigeria Center for Disease Control instructed against social events concerning 50 individuals or more during the pandemic that the coronavirus hit the business.

The disorganized aftermath in business for wedding organizers, merchants, DJs, food providers have made enough torment bear in the time of the pandemic.



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