5 Best Countries to Volunteer in Africa in 2020


Searching for Countries to Volunteer? Africa is the place. There are high mountains, savannas, the big five animals, jazz, and blue. There are several experiences that can intrigue a traveler and an explorer. One of the interesting facts about Africa is that it’s about 11.7 sq. Miles. This is equivalent to a fifth of the total world landmass.  However, there is lot of poverty, disease, due to war in the past. As such, Africa becomes a hub of people desiring to volunteer from all over the world.

Countries to Volunteer and Experiences

Some volunteers who have visited Africa always give their beautiful experiences. It also adds that its contrary to what they expected. Most get to enjoy during such trips. What makes it more interesting is interacting with locals. This helps them to learn more about their traditions and culture.

If you wish to volunteer in Africa, the article has highlighted for you the countries you should consider.

  • Kenya

The country’s location is in the eastern part of Africa. Kenya is one of the most exciting countries in Africa. Here, you will find the big five. You will also find the Maasai tribe, which has a rich culture and traditions. Despite all the beauty, the country suffers from natural disasters like floods, drought, and epidemics. Inappropriate medical services further worsen this in rural areas. Thus, a great need for volunteer support. Some of the voluntary regions in this country are.

  • -here the volunteers teach subjects in high school and elementary schools. This volunteering gives one work expertise in overseeing. hence getting a good chance of teaching placements. They also get an opportunity to explore the fantastic Masai Mara wilderness.
  • Medical volunteer. – It gives the volunteers a chance to learn how to impact positively to underserved people. They add clinics, dispensaries as well as hospitals.it is best suitable for medical professionals. The schedule might be versatile depending on location posted.
  • Tanzania

It is in eastern Africa and a neighbor to Kenya. It has the best wildlife safaris. Just like neighboring Kenya, epidemics are there which claim lives. Volunteers here are of great help to the underprivileged. Also, it makes you be a helping hand to people trying to change their community. Some areas to volunteer are.

  • Maasai tribe empowerment program

You get a chance to interact with this community in Moshi town. Learn their rich and unique culture and traditions. You also get to learn why they are diverse and different. Furthermore, the volunteer will have also meet with other travelers from around the globe.

  • Ecotourism conservation in Zanzibar.

Here the volunteers learn how to protect nature with professionals. The program focuses more on ecotourism, conservation as well as sustainable economic developments. Volunteers also determine the effect of marine biodiversity on current practices.  This comes as a benefit of suitable ecotourism. The program is best for a student looking forward to learning and having fun at the same time.

  • English teaching program in Arusha. -its objective has an academic development — also, its geared towards the improvement of the underclass kids in that area.

Ghana is in western Africa. It’s among the diverse nations in Africa.  The hospitality here is excellent.  Its also known for its tropical jungles, coastal savannas, and secluded beaches. Just like in eastern Africa, epidemics are also here. Ebola is the deadliest to be witnessed. For this reason, more volunteers to help people get back into their healthy lives. Areas that volunteers are needed are

  • Education support program. – on this, the volunteer will have to work around Accra. Their work is to help students do different subjects. The volunteers can be either trained teachers or not. The teaching is from nursery to secondary school.
  • Creative arts- Here, the volunteers help kids as well as youths in creative skills developments. It will also make them have a happy and fulfilling life. You can help through making potteries, paintings.
  • Sorts development program. As a soccer country, much is help needed. The role of volunteers is to help the local coaches in their schedules. They may also help with students’ facilitation.
  • South Africa

The country is at the southern tip of the continent. It’s a multi-cultural society hence the name rainbow nation.  Despite being among the countries with the most robust economy in Africa, it has its problems. Therefore call for more volunteers in its rural parts. Ares of concern are.

  • Cape town teaching program- the aim is to make a change in colleges and in students too. They are getting placements in the nursery, primary, and even high school. The volunteers can teach with supervisors. Other times they work on their own.
  • Social welfare and childcare. – the program aims at the deprived youngsters. They tend to work in service centers. They all work together with a supervisor and a local worker.
  • Port Elizabeth volunteering program. – the community here experiences, drug abuse, poverty, among other challenges day in day out. Asa volunteer in this town, you work directly or indirectly with HIV/AIDs .in school, their work is to mentor young ones.
  • Morocco

Morocco has an unquiet mixture of culture. It also has an Atlantic coastline as well as the Mediterranean. You will also find the Sahara Desert here. However, problems like massive flood and drought have left the country in need of more voluntarily services. Ares that you may volunteer is.

  • Woman empowerment program. – those that prefer such a program can fit well in morocco. Many NGOs are trying to uplift these women. They provide with them awareness on their rights, procreative health, coping with violence, and land rights.
  • Teaching program. – even with free education from the government, the education rate is still low. Communities, or public or even organization faculties that can’t afford enough task force to give sensible French or English academic to their scholars, is where English programs are.

With the above, you can quickly identify which country suits you best. Whether you intend to volunteer one-week or months, you can be assured you won’t get bored in Africa.

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