4 Measures to Curb Environmental Pollution in Africa


Environmental pollution is releasing harmful substances into the surroundings. Its impacts climate change and has adverse effects on agricultural productivity and human health.

Only seven of the 54 countries in Africa have nifty measures to curb pollution. This is one of the reasons why it’s entirely crucial to implement guidelines to sustainably reduce the concentration of the levels of contamination in the continent. Still, reducing environmental pollution would ensure we don’t surpass the 2° C mark that can rapidly scale up temperatures. Below are four measures to curb environmental pollution in Africa.      

  1. Educate the public on the effects of environmental pollution

There is a dire need to educate the communities in Africa on the implications of short-lived climate pollutions (SLCPs). A ton of Africans don’t take into account the consequences that come with disposing of waste inappropriately.

Educating the public on the issues that can arise due to poor waste management would undoubtedly foster the achievement of food security. Again, it would also help Africans have sufficient clean water and reduce some health complications relating to pollution.

According to the World Health Organization, People living in urban areas are the main contributors to environmental pollution. This brings in the urge to come up with educational forums in residential dwellings in most affected cities. As for people in rural settlements, they need to also acquaint themselves with the importance of protecting rivers.

  1. Set strict industrial laws regarding environmental pollution

The creation of industrial requirements to mitigate the level of waste materials industries dispose of is a task African governments cannot afford to ignore.  In the same breath, there should be restrictions on the use of low sulfur diesel oils. Innovative and transparent regulations are ways that can protect our environment without interfering with the economy. Similarly, accurately uncovering firms that lead to environmental pollution can make other companies to toe the law.

Companies that continue to pollute the environment should be let to face the law and hefty penalties given to them. Borrowing tips from South Africa, its government makes polluters pay heftily for any environmental damages industries cause. This continues to instill sanity to companies that, in the past, discharged harmful substances into the surrounding.

  1. Repair the Ozone Layer

The ozone layer is a crucial component of the earth in shielding us from the harmful ultraviolet light from the sun. African governments ought to explore ways to reduce the degradation of the Ozone Layer. The efforts would involve promoting practices that mitigate air pollution. Some of the ways we can reduce air Pollution is by eliminating the use of wood-cooking stoves and fossil fuels.

Nevertheless, Africans should pick up and integrate the use of solar energy for cooking. Doing this would protect the environment while at the same time improving the quality of air and the health of Africans.

  1. Abolish toxic chemicals and pesticides

Notes to Colombia University indicate that air pollution may kill more Africans than HIV and AIDS in the near future. As a result, mitigation strategies on the chemicals Africans use is needful. As it is, tons of chemicals and pesticides Africans use are hazardous to the environment. Also, these substances, in one way or the other, increase the levels of acidity in water bodies, thus affecting aquatic biodiversity.

Guidelines and rules ought to be put in place on the levels of harmful chemicals that are acceptable. Still, imported pesticides should undergo a thoughtful quality analysis before reaching the markets.

In summation, the impacts of the measures to curb environmental pollution will help Africa fight poverty. It will also create a leeway for foreign investors to consider coming to our continent.  And as for the health and productivity of our citizens, they will be hugely improved.

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