9 Ancient Egyptian Weapons and Tools That Powered the Pharaoh’s Army

9 Ancient Egyptian Weapons and Tools That Powered the Pharaoh's Army

During the New Kingdom period between 1550 B.C. and 1070 B.C., Egypt had one of the best and terrifying armed forces in the world. Although they borrowed technology from other kingdoms, they were still the most powerful. Before that, they were using stone weapons, arrows, axes, and wooden-tipped spears.


It was until the Second Intermediary Period when the Egyptians studied their enemy closely to come up with perfect weapons. It was the first Pharaoh of the new Kingdom. At that time the Egyptians upgraded their weapons. They also gained insights about expanding their kingdoms. Here are some of their most powerful weapons ever used.


  1. Bronze-Tipped Spear and Shield


The front row of the Egyptian army armed themselves with Spearman. They had a bronze-tipped spear in one hand while the others holding a wooden shield. Over time, they advanced their weapons. Those spears were long, and that sounds like an added advantage. The shield was also enough to cover them from their enemy’s weapons. Bronze, being sharp with a front tip, was able to penetrate through the opponent’s shield because of its hardness.


Also, some weapons were made from metal, then at the tip, bronze was added. The kingdom made sure all the security team going to war was fully protected.  Before the bronze technology, most of their weapons were from wood. They copied the knowledge from Syrians.


  1. Javelin


It looked like short spears 3.3. feet in length. Soldiers carried the javelins on their shoulders, which looked exactly like arrows. The javelin was used to trust enemies behind the shield. It was not disposed of like arrows. Their javelins had diamond-shaped blades that were very sharp and poisonous. At the back, it was made of light wooden to give the user ample time to destroy their enemies.


  1. Battle Axe


It was a secondary weapon that warriors hung around their shoulders or waists. It was important when the enemy got injured and the Egyptians wanted him dead. A soldier was required to take out the battle Axe and divide the body into sections. The semicircular blades were mainly used when the enemies did not have any armor.


The width became narrow when the Egyptians faced Syrians and Hittites because they had armor. The design was developed to be able to pierce through chest protective armor.


  1. Mace-Ax


It is one of the oldest weapons to ever exist. Archaeologists predicted that the journey of mace-ax started in 6000 BC. The Egyptians made their mace-ace with wood and at the front tip was a heavy stone. Over time, during the New Kingdom, they added a blade at the front tip.


Egyptian soldiers only required two strokes, to break their opponent’s swords. It could break even the strongest weapons made of hard bronze.


  1. Short Swords


It was Hykos that introduced the bronze technology. Before, the Egyptians were making short but strong swords. Some soldiers had small and strong swords, made from blades, hilt, and solid stones. They created a dagger first, then as time went by, they changed to sharp objects. It was powerful when it comes to stabbing an enemy. They also started developing longer and flat swords. This was used when they wanted to slash an enemy while being safe. It was not easy to bend, even when hit by a bronze sword.


  1. Khopesh


Khopesh was the most feared weapon when other Kingdoms thought of Egyptians. The weapon was curved, exactly like a question mark. The cutting edge looked exactly like a scimitar. The word khopesh in Egyptian society meant ‘foreleg for an animal”.


A child of a king named Tutankhamun got buried with double khopesh as a symbol of respect.


The objects were used as a final fighter to slash the enemy to death.


  1. Composite Bow


The Egyptians copied this knowledge from Syrian. They mixed animal horns, layers of wood, and sinew to make a strong composite bow. The final product was a strong weapon. It was their superweapons. The bow had a length of 1.5 meters. The products were cemented together using animal glue. It had the power to snap back before going straight to the projected point on the enemy. It could travel as far as 250-300 meters. There was an addition of three feathers to improve the accuracy.


  1. Chariots


This was a traveling means which was much faster before the horses. The lightweight wooden chariots had leather floors that acted as shock absorbers. The New Kingdom introduced swarms of armed chariots on the battlefield.


The chariot went around the fighting field as soldiers threw their arrows at their enemies.


  1. Scale Armor


It was charioteers who were completely protected with full armor. It was the same soldiers who had long composite bows to target over their enemies. The charioteers had long coats made of bronze scale. They appeared like upright lizard people. When the horse period came, the animal also had its armor.



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